Amazeballs! The only way to describe WDS 2015


Wow! As always an incredible week at World Domination Summit. No – it’s not about taking over the world or about being a dominatrix – it’s the coming together of a huge community of like-minded individuals with a common goal to live a remarkable life.

Instead of a long drawn out post about the weekend, I thought I would share photos from the week to truly represent the adventure that is WDS.  Many photo credits go to Armosa Studios (the great shots except out road trips) while the rest belong to myself.

For many, WDS begins before Friday registration and ends long after Sunday night’s closing party. This year I arrived a day or two early to explore Portland and get to know my many roommates at the Haufner Haus. I am thankful for WDS bringing these amazing people into my life!

On Thursday, many WDSers attended Academies including an excellent one by Jonathan Fields on The Art of Becoming Known. Excellent academy with lots of information!


Friday marked the first official day of WDS which also meant it was time to break a world record! The 2015 record was World Wide Waffles organized by Tyler Tervooren!

After breaking the world record, many attendees headed to meetups prior to or after registration including a few I was leading.  Thanks to all who joined us for Encouraging Young Entrepreneurs and Doing Good at Nedspace and thanks to Mark at Nedspace for your support and for joining us!

The day was still not over! Off to the opening party at PureSpace! At this event, we were introduced to two challenges for the weekend – the scavenger hunt and the trade up challenges. In the second challenge, attendees were given an opportunity to choose11008781_10155856567970714_4944629091295378586_n a piece of the old world globe that was cut to various lengths. Attendees could then trade their block for something else and then trade again with the biggest trade winning the prize! I choose my block carefully and decided Owlie was too special to trade for just anything (though a Tesla would have worked!). Instead Owlie received a hashtag – #WDSOwlie – and  landed on twitter, instagram, periscope and a few other places.



So now onto the main event!

Saturday morning started early with many people arriving at the theatre before 8:00am. By 8:30 doors were open and almost 3000 people poured in eager to hear the amazing speakers!


Kid President joined us on Saturday along with his awesome uncle Robby Novak.  Amazing words of advice as always and he left us all hungry for corndogs!



John Acuff asked us a very serious question:

“Will I face the fear of today or the regret of forever?”

All the speakers and attendee stories were amazing as always!

We are now a month away from WDS 2016 and I can’t wait!



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