More love, less trash

I think we can all agree that the world needs a little more love and a lot less trash!wds 2014 1584

How do you define trash? Is it garbage and litter? Is it what passes for entertainment on television?

Whatever your definition, the world needs less of it!

Often when I am out walking, I see an abundance of trash – discarded bottles, food wrappers, cigarette butts – litter everywhere! It’s difficult to understand why people do not pick up after themselves and easily throw stuff away – do they not care for their environment or appearance?

When I have visited other countries like Cuba and Dominican Republic, I witnessed people picking up litter as they came across it – they took pride in their community and environment and made sure it was kept clean. Now that isn’t to say there wasn’t a heap of garbage here or there – their rural garbage collection appeared somewhat limited.

What these countries also did not have was an abundance of fast food containers, packaging overload or other products creating large amounts of waste. In Canada and the US we have an overabundance of waste.

It is time to rethink our waste generation, reduce product packaging and start picking up regularly in our communities.  We need to give more love to where we live and respect our space.

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