You do not need to wait until your dinner to start the discussion. Join the conversation online using the hashtag #UPDinners.
As a host for UP Dinners, you will facilitate a discussion revealing new perspectives and ideas that foster a strong community. Expect a thought-provoking dialogue and ideas while you and your guests enjoy a meal together. While we do suggest 5 questions for discussion, please open the table to additional topics and thoughts.
CONNECT WITH #UPDinners on Social Media
Choose a location to host your dinner and meal format.
Meals can be held at your home, in a community room, a yoga studio, at your office or at a restaurant – the choice is yours.
You can choose any type of meal – potluck, catered, home-cooked, ordered in, restaurant or anything else you can think of.
And, don’t feel limited to the dinner hour – breakfast and lunch gatherings work well too!
The goal is to create an environment that allows for sharing, encourages dialogue and generates ideas to build our community.
Invite your guests
The ideal group will include 10 or fewer people per table to ensure everyone has a chance to add to the discussion. You may invite any mix of people and may want to consider family, friends, acquaintances, neighbours, coworkers or club members. We want a good cross-section of people bringing forth a variety of thoughts! Also think about inviting someone you don’t know or would like to know better. #UPdinners will be gathering a list of people looking to attend a dinner. Can they have a place at your table?
Build Momentum!
Sign up to host a table by completing the form at http://www.triigo.com/UPDinners/.
Please enter details about your event including your contact information, address of event, and number of attendees – we won’t publish your event but time-permitting, we may mark the approximate location on a map to be displayed on the website.
Please also let us know if you have room for additional guests looking for a table spot.
Start your conversation now! Share information and insights about your community. You and your guests are encouraged to share community links and links to articles and ideas for your community to your social media accounts using the #UPDinners hashtag.
#UPDinners #TriigoProject
Appoint a note taker!
#UPDinners will be sending you a questionnaire by November 1, 2016 so we can hear your ideas and share your feedback with the world.
To get the conversation started, we suggest the following:
Share your name and background with your table and why you decided to be a 100 Dinners host. Invite your guests to introduce themselves and talk about what brings them to the table. Encourage guests to share the issues that are important to them and their communities and share ideas for working together to address these issues.
Encourage participation by everyone at your table.
- Focus on generating solutions.
- Use the #UPDinners hashtag on all your social media posts.
- Share your photos, videos, thoughts and ideas on Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and Instagram.
- Manage the conversation. Let it flow freely.
- Do not be judgmental or dismissive of any person’s comments or ideas.
- Promote argument or unproductive debate.
Have questions before, during or after event? Reach us on social media at @TriigoProject or by email at UPdinners@triigo.com